[6 morning habits to stack]

“Success is the product of daily habits— not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.” ― James Clear


Here’s a pattern I’ve noticed in high-performers:

They’re creatures of habit.

The most successful people I know build routines by stacking tiny habits. And those tiny habits eventually compound into their goals.

But we all need a “cheat code” for actually sticking to those healthy habits. Here it is: Your home.

Try these 6 tiny ways to design your home (for a bulletproof morning routine).


1. Digital detox

Charge your phone outside of your bedroom (and buy a physical alarm). When you wake up, you won’t be as easily tempted to scroll mindlessly.

Instead, go for a 5-min walk outside (that’s right— without your phone).

Get sunlight before screen light. ☀️

2. Hydrate

Keep a bottle of water next to your bed. Drink it all as soon as you wake up. Then refill it, and bring it to your desk.

Your brain can’t run efficiently when you’re dehydrated. 💧

3. Move your body

Choose your workout clothes the night before. Lay them out next to your bed.

I also like to pre-pay for fitness classes (to create loss aversion). This eliminates the need to decide whether I’ll work out in the morning. (“Yesterday me” already decided.) 💪

4. Avoid processed snacks

The bliss point = an addictive combination of sugar and salt that makes your appetite insatiable.

Don’t keep those snacks in your house. Just leave them at the grocery store. Stock your fridge and pantry with healthy, whole foods instead.

(If the cookies are on your counter, you’ll eat them. If they’re not… you won’t.) 😉

5. Get better sleep

Create a nightly shutdown routine:

  • Avoid caffeine after 12pm

  • Pull your blackout shades down

  • Drop the temperature below 67ºF at night

  • Set a “sleep alarm” to wind down at the same time each day

  • Limit screens 1 hour before bed; charge your phone in another room

The best “productivity tool” is 8 hours of deep rest. 💤

6. Focus on micro-moments of joy

Create a note in your phone titled “the little things.”

Add 3 more every day during lunch.

Pay attention to the micro-joy you get from an out-of-the-blue text, a great song you hadn’t heard in a while, a sip of matcha, a walk outside.

Being grateful doesn’t require life-changing milestones. 🔥


“Your habits change depending on the room you are in and the cues in front of you.” — James Clear

The good news? You can change those cues in front of you…

Make good habits easier by removing the friction to do them. Make bad habits harder by increasing the friction to do them.

As James says, “Be the designer of your world and not merely the consumer of it.”

Btw— if you haven’t read Atomic Habits yet, you’re missing out, my friend.

Until next week,


P.S. The most profound morning habit I started last year (from a career standpoint) is posting on LinkedIn. I post every day at 8:30am EDT— and it has grown my LinkedIn account from 1k to 330k followers in 15 months. If you’re considering becoming a thought leader on LinkedIn, book your coaching session now. You can read tons of client reviews here. 🔥

Also, I get asked all the time which newsletter tool I recommend. Hands down, Beehiiv. (Sign up with this link and you’ll get a special bonus.)

P.P.S. Sending a warm welcome to everyone who joined The Quiet Rich community since last week! Learn more about The Quiet Rich here. 🎉