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[Avoid The 5 Time Assassins]

Welcome to The Quiet Rich, your weekly email for a quiet mind + rich life. Today you’ll learn how to avoid the 5 Time Assassins.
Before we start, a big thank you to today’s sponsor:
An important trait of the Quiet Rich is to invest for the long-term. One of the easiest ways to do that is to automate it. I’m a fan of Acorns.
Their “Roundup” feature automatically invests your spare change into a personal investing account. You can also set a certain amount of every paycheck to invest automatically (so you don’t even see it).
After a few months, you may be shocked by how much you set aside. A little every month goes a long way. Learn more at this link.

Dan Martell is the bestselling author of Buy Back Your Time. It’s a helpful guide for founders (or really, anyone) to reclaim time.
The most powerful chapter for me? The 5 Time Assassins. 🔥
At any given moment, your time is being wasted by 1 (or many) of these 5.
Let’s go through each one…
1. The Staller
This is when you sabotage your own success by hesitating on big decisions (often because of imposter syndrome).
You get invited to speak on a podcast, but imposter syndrome starts to creep in. So you don’t respond to it for weeks, until it’s too late.
2. The Speed Demon
You make rapid decisions (often choosing the first/ quickest/ easiest/ cheapest option). Then you find yourself in a worse position a few months later.
You hire the first candidate that meets some of your requirements. They don’t work out, and you need to spend even more time replacing them.
3. The Supervisor
You have trouble giving up control (usually because you don’t think anyone can do as good of a job as you).
You hire an executive assistant, but micromanage all of their tasks and end up spending the same (or more) time than if you did it yourself in the first place.
4. The Saver
You’re not comfortable spending money (even if it will make you more money).
You can afford to advertise your business online (and attract new customers— which will quickly recoup the cost of the ads). But instead, you leave your money in savings.
5. The Self-Medicator
You work really hard (and then “play” equally hard, often by binge-drinking).
This one’s tough to spot, because it’s usually in the form of celebration.
You close a big deal, eat and drink excessively, wake up hungover, and then need to push back the entire next day’s meetings.
Review the last 10 big decisions you made. Try to spot the patterns.
Which of these 5 assassins held you back the most?
Here’s how I personally deal with them:
Create “guard-rails” for the maximum (and minimum) amount of time I can spend on a decision (so I never procrastinate or rush into it).
Offload lower-risk tasks, and simply accept that someone else completing it 80% as well as I would… is still 100% awesome.
Have a partner hold me accountable to A). spend money to save time, and B). not exceed my personal choice of # drinks per celebration.
(To dive deeper, I highly recommend listening to the full audiobook. Dan narrates it himself.)
Until next week,
P.S. HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to the Archimedes members who joined the January cohort. This is a truly extraordinary group of CEOs, founders, best-selling authors, tech executives, healthcare leaders, and even former Navy SEALs. Ben, Colby, and I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow. 🎉
The response (from the first minute we opened applications for this cohort) exceeded my wildest expectations. To keep this an intimate community, we could only accept 10% of the applications we got.
Missed this round? Our next cohort will start on March 2nd! Apply now at JoinArchimedes.com to be considered. If we’re a good fit, you’ll hear from us in February.
Acorns Disclaimer: Paid testimonial at Tier II compensation. Investment advisory services offered by Acorns Advisers, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser. Visit creatormatch.co/acorns-jade for more details.