[Birthday edition]

Welcome to a special edition of The Quiet Rich. Today I’m sharing a list of things I know at 31 (that I wish I could tell my younger self). 👇

But first, big thanks to today’s sponsor— Helix

One thing I know in my 30s is the importance of high-quality sleep. (Put simply, I’m a bit of a monster when I don’t get it.) 😅 

I thought I was “optimizing” my sleep in all the right ways (blackout shades, 68º room, no caffeine after 12pm). But I was missing an important one: a high-quality mattress. That’s why I’m such a fan of Helix. I’m sleeping on the Midnight Elite— and my Oura sleep score has increased 73% week over week!

Learn more and try the fun sleep quiz here.


Today is my 31st birthday. (Thank you for all the love on my IG and LI post!)

Here are the 20 most powerful lessons I'd tell my younger self: 👇

1. Call your parents. They're getting older, and you don't have as much time left together as you think. Make each moment count.

2. People assume watches and cars are luxuries. But the real luxuries in life are slow mornings and a house full of love.

3. Comparison is the thief of joy. Social media makes you wish you were somewhere else or with someone else. That's the fastest path to unhappiness.

4. Don't be impressed by followers or money. Be impressed by people who are humble and generous.

5. The person you will be in 5 years is a direct result of the people you meet, books you read, conversations you have, and habits you start now. (Choose well.)

6. In order to date someone remarkable, you need to be remarkable yourself.

7. Your phone is your top distraction, and it will probably hold you back from achieving your goals. Put it in Do Not Disturb mode for 2 hours every day.

8. Travel. You’ll never have as few responsibilities as you do right now. Take at least 3 epic trips every year that you’ll tell people about at dinner parties for the rest of your life.

9. At some point, you will have to deal with something painful. It will change your life. You can’t choose what happens— but you get to decide how you react to it.

10. When choosing a career path, look at who’s at the top of the ladder. Make sure that’s the lifestyle you want.

11. You don’t get what you “deserve.” You get what you negotiate. If what you’re asking for doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable, it’s not high enough.

12. The way you treat your body now will determine your injuries, medical bills, and energy levels in your 40s+.

13. Feel your feelings. Don't sweep them under the rug. If you don’t validate them, they’ll come back and make a much bigger mess later.

14. Most people stop learning after university. Don’t be most people. Always be reading a good book.

15. Stop waiting for the “right time.” You’ll never feel fully prepared. Start now— you’ll be so glad that you did.

16. Get into rooms where your dreams are already other people's realities.

17. Healthy relationships are made up of two individual people with their own hobbies, goals, opinions, friend groups, and passions.

18. Only invest in the people who invest in you. If you give away too much time, attention, or energy… it will be taken for granted.

19. Don’t limit yourself to what you’ve always been good at. There’s an entire world of possibility out there.

20. You don't just want to be "rich" in money. You want to be "rich" in time, health, and self-awareness.

What else would you add?

I’d seriously love to read the advice you'd tell your younger self. Reply to this email! ❤️

Much love,


P.S. I want to take a moment to thank every. single. one of you. for joining this community. You’ve sent me the most incredible DMs, left the kindest reviews about my newsletter, and shared these testimonials about my coaching. 🙏

Ready to grow your personal brand and become a thought leader? Learn more about my coaching program: Our next cohort starts on November 5th (and we’re only accepting 25 new members.)

P.P.S. If you’re new to The Quiet Rich, hello! Learn the 7 things that the quietly rich don’t do in this LinkedIn post. 💰 🎉