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[3 life-changing techniques]

I love this story about Joseph Heller (author of Catch-22).
He was at a billionaire’s party on Shelter Island in the Hamptons with Kurt Vonnegut.
Kurt told Joseph that their billionaire friend (a hedge fund manager) made more in a single day than his book earned in all time.
Joseph responded, “Yes, but I have something he will never have…
There’s a term for this: lifestyle creep.
It’s when you constantly increase your desires and expenses (whenever you get an increase in pay).
For many of us, it’s hard to resist wanting “more.” A more modern house, a more expensive car, a more luxurious vacation.
The problem?
You’re basically agreeing to be unhappy until you get that thing.
The most dangerous game is, “I’ll be happy when…” And I’ll tell you a secret. You won’t.
I’m not saying more stuff can’t bring you joy. It will (for a short time.) But you won’t be as happy as you expected. And it won’t last as long as you hoped before you once again say, “I’ll be happy when…”
Here are 3 techniques that help you avoid the trap of “more”:
1. Define what is “enough.”
To avoid lifestyle creep, make a list of what your “dream life” is.
Get specific.
It could be… buying anything you want at Erewhon, having an unlimited fitness fund, or sailing a yacht around the South of France every June.
But it must be authentic to you. Not what society tells you is cool.
After your next raise, re-read your list. And hold yourself accountable to not “moving the goalpost.”
2. Start a gratitude practice.
Most people obsessively think about what they don’t have. They never think about what they do have.
Let’s change that.
Start a note in your phone called “The little things.”
Add 3 more tiny things every day when you’re having lunch: An unexpected text from a loved one. The first sip of coffee. A weekend trip.
Life isn’t about the big milestones. Life is lived in the small, daily moments in between those milestones.
3. Avoid comparison.
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” — Teddy Roosevelt
The only person you can compare yourself to is who you were yesterday.
Just try to be 1% better today. 1% stronger in the gym. 1% more patient with a family member. 1% more creative at work.
That will compound over time (into your goals).
At the end of the day, real fulfillment only comes from within. (Personal growth, meaningful relationships, a sense of purpose.)
And those cannot be bought. They must be earned.
Naval Ravikant said it well: “I think the most common mistake for humanity is believing you’re going to be made happy because of some external circumstance.”
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to achieve more. Go after it!
Just make sure you’re not doing it because “you’ll be happy when…”

Visualize Value by Jack Butcher
(Btw— the best book I’ve read about wealth and happiness is The Almanack of Naval Ravikant. You can download the entire book for free at this link. I honestly can’t believe they give it all away at no cost lol. I re-read this book every year…)
See you next week,
P.S. Remember that “deep sense of purpose” I mentioned earlier? I found mine through this— through building my personal brand and writing about the topics that I obsess over. And so have dozens of my clients. And so can you.
Book a private, 60-min coaching session with me. I’ll teach you the entire system that grew my LinkedIn audience from 1k to 180k followers in 7 months. (And how to monetize it). Learn more and view my availability here (only 13 dates left in September). 🔥
P.P.S. I have a very exciting announcement this Wednesday, August 30th. I can’t wait to share it! Stay tuned on LinkedIn. 😊